Ajanta Caves Help Line
Posted by: Aby
When: 20.6.2008

Query/ Response:
Hi, I'm planning a trip for me and my friends(max 9 persons) to Ajanta-Ellora caves. I want to be able to leave on Friday night, and reach the places in the morning, so that we can fullly enjoy the places on Saturday and Sunday, and return back to Mumbai by Sunday evening; such that we'll be able to go to our offices on Monday! :) What I'd like to know is the time involved-how long will it take to reach there, time spent in these locations, and other places of interest. Also, are trains/public transport viable for a group like us--we want to keep it cheap, so wud prefer that; but if we won't be able to figure out places to go to, we'd prefer a planned trip. Please advise abt trip plans and prices too...

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